Growing Deeper with God

About this Study
This 15-day journey exploring Philippians 1-2 will help you develop the habit of being in God’s Word every day. Not only will this help you learn how to study the Bible, but Chip will also show you how to grow closer to God in the process.
Welcome! We open this new 15-day study of Philippians 1 and 2 with the question, What's the goal of studying God's Word? (Hint: Think of the name of the series!) So grab your Bible, a pen, and paper, and let's get going!
Congratulations on coming back for Day 2! Today we're going to get an overview of Philippians 1, but first we'll make sure our hearts are ready to hear God. How do we do that? Chip shows us how.
Philippians 1:3-11 is full of references to praying with joy. Why is that extraordinary? Because Paul wrote Philippians from a prison in Rome. What does this teach us about following God?
Today we look at Paul's amazing attitude toward his tough circumstances. How can you learn from him -- because it's likely you've got some tough circumstances too, right?
Hey, it's so great that you keep showing up to learn how to grow deeper with God! Today's passage reinforces that, so get ready to take notes and make plans for putting truth into practice.
Today we have a chance to pause and meditate on what we've studied in the first chapter of Philippians, and then ask questions. What is God telling you?
Get ready. Day 7 may challenge you a little. The best way (for most people) to process what God is communicating is to write things down! So grab your pen and listen for the voice of God!
Welcome back. How is your journaling going? Today in Philippians 2 you'll read Paul's specific exhortations to reflect the unselfish attitude of Christ, something we all need to work on!
Knowledge is good. But today's short passage makes it clear that living out God's truth in love is how you, and others, are changed into Christlikeness. Who should you reach out to today?
Okay, trick question! Today's verses make it crystal clear that God calls you in practical ways to put others ahead of yourself -- which can be hard! Memorizing Philippians 2:3-4 will help. Are you up for it?
The lesson today is all about why you need to know what's going on in your heart -- before you dive into God's Word -- so that you can be open to God's work in your life. Ready?
Welcome back to a powerful passage, Philippians 2:5-11. Studying the greatest example of unselfishness of all time, how should you respond? How does it deepen your relationship with God?
Today is all about application! You've learned so much in the last few weeks. Now it's time to “work out” your faith in real life -- which is how you see God in action!
Wow! We're at the second to last day! So great you've stuck with this! Today we're thinking about how relationships are crucial to discipleship and spiritual growth. Who is your Paul? Who is your Timothy?
Congratulations! What an amazing 15 days! Now you get to work through the rest of Philippians. Don't do it alone, though. Find a partner; commit to consistency; and remember, the goal is to know Jesus!
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